Partner With Us  

Benefits of Partnering With Us

We’re One Big Team

Whether you’re a lender, an agent, or a contractor, we’re committed to a long term relationship

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Consistent Deal Flow

Our goal is to have multiple projects in progress at all times which means more opportunities for our partners.

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Earn Effortlessly

Regardless of what type of partner you are, we set expectations properly upfront and make prompt payments.

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Long Term Loyalty

Our goal is to be able to work with the same people until we retire and we treat everyone that way so we can grow together.

It isn’t Us Against Agents

Real estate is a very competitive industry, but with an abundant mindset, we look at it as collaboration over competition. The truth is, not all properties are best for you to list, and not all properties are “deals” within our buy box. Knowing how we can complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses makes for amazing synergies for investors and agents.

  • Double (sometimes triple) your commission
  • You represent us on every transaction you bring us
  • Cash offers = flexible closing timelines
  • We share our knowledge and resources with our partners
  • We have experience in closing complex scenarios
  • We provide an option to homeowners who may have limited options left for their properties
  • We make your job painless
  • Access to premier open house opportunities

Contractor Partnerships

Repeatable & Reliable

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Quality of workmanship

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Speed and efficiency in the rehab process

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Appreciation for our community

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Mutual respect for everyone involved

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Integrity of our product

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Consistent repeatable results